
See in-game Pause Screen (press escape key).


The original (jam build) is made for "My First Game Jam: Winter 2022" which has Nature as theme. It's my first attempt at a 2D platformer game. I wanted to go for a non-violent type of win goal, so the main concept is that you play as a wildlife biologist who has to tag endangered beasts through a high-tech camera.

The level is not finished and the rating feature is temporarily disabled until the game is updated to be a prototype where the stage can be cleared.

The browser build and the other Windows pc build will be updated to the newest available version. Since I don't actively work on this game, it's still a very WIP prototype. 


The concept, code and art were all created by myself during the jam. The audio files are from the following existing sources:

"SCP-x6x (Hopes)" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

impacts_body_hit_ground_heavy_thud_001_43759 from Zapsplat.

"Camera Shutter, Fast, A.wav" by InspectorJ ( of

"Stab, Metal Knife in Lettuce, D.wav" by InspectorJ ( of


Expedition Viridian (Jam Build - PC Windows).zip 23 MB
Expedition Viridian (v1_1 - PC Windows).zip 23 MB

Install instructions

For comparison the Jam Build is always available for download.

For now the game does not have full-screen because the resolution was originally chosen for a browser game. To keep the UI intact, the PC port has this same 960x600 resolution.


Controls in Jam Build:

WASD or arrowkeys for movement
Spacebar: Jump
Z / left mouse click: take camera shot

Development log


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wew cool. besides the animation, i guess the control just feels somewhat unresponsive. maybe a coyote time trick would be good.

otherwise good game

Thank you for the improvement suggestion! I will look into the coyote time trick and how to implement it.

really nice art! lacks in animation tho.I'm guessing it has no ending.I like the concept

Thank you for the comment!  It's my first attempt at pixel art, so I wasn't sure if it's remotely serviceable and it's good to hear this. Yes, the game is unfinished, I would love to expand on it with at least a proper level which can be finished, and draw the missing animation and other art assets. But I need a bit of a rest first, after that I'll also check out your entry.

It's really good for a first attempt in pixel art! Also did you check out my entry?

(1 edit)

This game look awesome but you can add animate walk for be better

Thank you for giving the game a try and leaving the feedback! Yes, I would love to draw animation for the sprites soon. I wanted to focus on the code first to get a better feel how the game plays and then improve the aesthetics later.

Okay don't forget to try my game bro:)

This is really fun! The concept is really good even if the stage is unfinished. 

Some of the animals were challenging to photograph so it was a good difficulty for someone who doesn't consider themselves to be good at platformers.

I do have some ideas or feedback if you're willing to listen to suggestions. Great work!

I'm glad to hear this! 

Yes, I'm actually also terrible at platformers so I wanted to create something that leans closer to the 'casual' side which even I can finish. This also means a lot of playtesting for the right balance.

Thank you for the private feedback. I will definitely take them into account.